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Complaints and Feedback Policy

If a customer whether that be parent, student, teacher, or anyone invested with studio b has feedback, constructive criticism or a complaint, we want to hear about it.  We welcome any information that will help the school grow and be better, whether it be minor or a major incident that has happened, all involved need to learn from it.

A feedback comment or a complaint can be made to – if you’d like to speak to the principal Kerry Millis privately please email


Below are ways that a complaint and/or feedback can be bought to our (Studio B) attention. 


Informal Complaint

  • In the first instance, talk to a member of staff. Explain your concern.  

  • Talk about what you think needs to change to make things better.

  • If you are unhappy with how the person you speak to deals with what you say, or the outcome, you can make a formal complaint


Formal Complaint 

  • Email either of the email addresses above with your concern. Studio B shall respond within 48 hours of your initial contact.

  • We shall Address your concerns with the rest of the management team or the appropriate staff member 

  • Studio B will Send a response within 7 days of being contacted.


Studio B must keep accurate, dated records of each step of the procedure. The following information should be included: 

  • The welfare requirement to which the complaint relates. 

  • The name of the person making the complaint 

  • The nature of the complaint. 

  • The date and time of the complaint 

  • Details of how the complaint has been dealt with, including any action taken. 

  • Details of information and findings provided to the complainant, including the timescale. 


We would like to reassure you that any complaint made will be dealt with in a professional matter, however each complaint may be handled differently depending on the nature of the matter raised. We will ensure we handle any situation with care and attention with an understanding for both parties involved.



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